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Nairobi National Park In Kenya


Nairobi national park is Kenya’s unique National Park named after it’s city “Nairobi” Nairobi National Park is a unique and significant protected area located in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. What makes it particularly distinctive is its proximity to a major urban center, being situated just about 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) south of Nairobi’s central business district. It is considered one of the world’s few wildlife reserves located within a capital city.

Despite its close proximity to the city, Nairobi National Park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, buffalo, rhinos, wildebeests, impalas, and numerous bird species. The park’s diverse ecosystem supports both herbivores and carnivores.

The park boasts a diverse landscape, including grassy plains, woodlands, and riverine habitats. The backdrop of the city’s skyscrapers against the natural landscape provides a unique and stunning visual contrast.

Nairobi National Park was established in 1946 and is one of Kenya’s oldest national parks. Its main purpose is to provide a safe haven for wildlife and serve as a breeding ground for threatened species. The conservation efforts here are vital for preserving biodiversity and ensuring the survival of endangered species. The park is a popular destination for both locals and tourists. It offers game drives, guided walks, and picnicking opportunities. Visitors can enjoy the wildlife and beautiful scenery while being so close to the city.
Adjacent to the park is the Nairobi Animal Orphanage, where visitors can see and learn about rescued and rehabilitated wildlife. Additionally, the Safari Walk, located within the park, provides an educational experience about Kenya’s flora and fauna.

Nairobi National Park plays a significant role in environmental education and awareness, especially for the residents of Nairobi. It offers programs for schools and visitors to learn about conservation, wildlife, and the importance of protecting natural habitats.

The park faces challenges related to encroachment, habitat fragmentation, and human-wildlife conflict due to its proximity to the expanding city. Efforts are continually being made to mitigate these challenges and ensure the sustainability of the park.

Overall, Nairobi National Park is an important conservation area that highlights the coexistence of wildlife and urban life, serving as a testament to the importance of preserving natural habitats amidst growing urbanization.

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Attractions In This National Park

Nairobi national park attractions: Nairobi National Park is a unique wildlife park located just outside the bustling city of Nairobi, Kenya. It’s known for being the only national park in the world located within a capital city. The park has got a variety of things to do and see during your safari visit in the park. The park’s main attractions and activities you can experience include;

Wildlife Viewing:

Nairobi National Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including lions, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, rhinos, hippos, cheetahs, leopards, and numerous species of antelope. It offers excellent game viewing opportunities, and you can go on game drives to see these animals in their natural habitat.


The park is a haven for bird enthusiasts, with over 400 bird species recorded. You can spot a diverse range of birdlife, including vultures, eagles, ostriches, and many others.

Ivory Burning Site Monument:

The Ivory Burning Site Monument commemorates the 1989 event where Kenya burned a large stockpile of ivory to send a powerful message against the ivory trade and elephant poaching. It stands as a reminder of Kenya’s commitment to conservation.

Animal Orphanage:

The Nairobi Animal Orphanage, located within the park, is a rescue and rehabilitation center for injured and orphaned wild animals. Visitors can see and learn about the various animals being cared for and their journey towards rehabilitation and eventual release back into the wild.

Hippo Pool:

The park has a hippo pool where you can observe hippos and other aquatic wildlife. It’s a great spot for watching these massive animals and other water-loving creatures.

Picnicking and Relaxing:

There are designated picnic areas within the park where visitors can relax and enjoy a picnic amidst the natural surroundings.

Nature Walks and Hiking:

Nairobi National Park offers walking trails and hiking opportunities for those who prefer exploring the park on foot. These walks allow visitors to appreciate the flora, fauna, and stunning landscapes.

Nairobi Safari Walk:

The Nairobi Safari Walk is an educational facility adjacent to the park, providing an excellent introduction to Kenya’s diverse ecosystems, conservation efforts, and wildlife. It features raised wooden boardwalks for easy viewing of animals.


The park is a fantastic location for photography, providing numerous opportunities to capture stunning shots of wildlife and landscapes against the backdrop of Nairobi’s skyline.

Visiting Nairobi National Park is a convenient way to experience African wildlife and nature without traveling far from the city center, making it a popular destination for both tourists and locals.

Best Time To Visit

  • Nairobi National Park best time to visit: The park is visited any day and any time all throughout the year, but the best depends on your preference and your expectations. Despite being an all-round experience, the best time to visit the park is during the dry season with little or rainfall received at all. The dry season offers excellent game viewing and also facilitates the smooth running of outdoor activities in the park.

Accommodation Facilities

  • There are several lodging facilities available for the visitors both within the park or outside the park. The lodges are categorized in to different stages that is the budget lodges, mid-ranges to luxury lodges hence offering an opportunity to the guests to choose the best accommodation according to their preference and budget rate. Some of the lodges in Nairobi national park include; Masai lodge, the Boma Nairobi, The Nairobi safari club, The Panari Hotel, Red Buffalos House Hotel, Ole Sereni, Leleswa Getaway among others.

How to get there

How to get to Nairobi national park: Nairobi National Park is located in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. Listed below are some of the ways to get to Nairobi national park.

Taxi or Ride-Sharing Apps:

You can take a taxi or use ride-sharing apps like Uber or Bolt (formerly Taxify) to get to Nairobi National Park from your location in Nairobi. Simply input “Nairobi National Park” as your destination in the app and follow the directions.

Public Matatus or Buses:

Public transportation in Nairobi includes matatus (minibuses) and buses. You can take a matatu or bus heading towards the Lang’ata route, which is where Nairobi National Park is located. Disembark at the closest stop to the park and then walk or take a short taxi ride to the entrance.

Private Car:

If you have access to a private car or are renting one, you can drive to Nairobi National Park. Use a navigation app like Google Maps or Apple Maps to guide you to the park’s entrance.

Tourist Shuttle Services:

Consider using tourist shuttle services that operate in Nairobi. They often have designated stops at major attractions, including Nairobi National Park.

Guided Tours:

opt for a guided tour that includes transportation to Nairobi National Park. Many tour companies offer guided tours to the park with transportation included. Do not hesitate to contact adventure in the wild safaris we will organize one of the life time safari experiences in Nairobi national park.

Request Quote

Fill in and send the safari request form, we shall respond as soon as we receive your message.
You can also reach us on Whats-app Number: +256753750983 for urgent requests.

    Budget Indication:

    Tour Highlights

    • Day 1: Transferring from Nairobi to the Lake Nakuru
    • Day 2: Lake Nakuru to Masai Mara National Reserve
    • Day 3: A Full day in the Masai Mara
    • Day 4: Transfer back to Nairobi

    Why Book This Tour?

    • Tour can depart on any day of the week.
    • Tour can be customized
    • Transportation in Landcruiser or minivan with pop-up for game viewing
    • Suitable for solo travelers

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