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Facts about Wildebeest Migration

Facts about Wildebeest Migration
Facts about Wildebeest Migration, Wildebeest Migration involves the movement of animals from the plains of the Serengeti to Masai mara. Wildebeest Migration has attracted huge number of visitors coming in to east Africa to witness the unique experience of the animals interacting with Nature. The migration is famous for millions of wildebeest migrating with the purpose to prepare for the calving time, the animals are also led by their instincts for greener pastures and water for their new born babies. The calving season begins in December all through March begging from the southern Serengeti. Below is some of the guiding information to help you plan your wildebeest migration safari well and also gives your insight about the migration.
Birthing season to new calves of over one million in 2 months
Giving birth is one reasons why they wildebeest Migrate from the plains of Serengeti in to Masai mara following the rain pattern as they prepare for calving season. During this time, millions of wildebeest, thousands of Zebras and other different antelope’s species are born mounting the total of about one million calves born in just a period of 2 months.
During this time, wide number of travelers come in to the park o experience this adventure, birthing season has also attracted the huge number of predators which can also bee seen and at their most active. It’s a unique experience and fun to watch as animals, calves demonstrate their survival skills to ensure that they survive in being the next prey.
The activity is famous as the wildebeest Migration, but the movement involves many other animals’ species seen migrating from Serengeti National Park into Masai mara conservation areas and vice versa. The wildebeest Migration is famous not only the wildebeest but many other animals including the Zebras, elands, gazelles and other herbivores animals seen during the Migration. Zebras and wildebeest have developed a great relationship which has benefited one another during their migration. From feeding, the zebra normally feeds on the top parts of the grass or the tall grasses. This allows the wildebeest to easily access their preferred grass which is the short grass.
Wildebeest Migration happens every year.
Th wildebeest migration happens every year which gives travelers a huge opportunity to participate in the activity every year and plan early in the advance. Although it happens every year, is helps to know that there are specific month and seasons when the wildebeest occurs. Knowing the best month to travel guides you to have a memorable Tanzania safari experience. for the visitors having interest in Wildebeest Migration, the activity takes place in the month of December and March and also from May to November. Note that, the migration is basically driven by the rains thus un predictable. it’s also referred as the Natural phenomenon where by the animals are drive by their instincts as well as rainfall patterns.
River crossing challenges
The wildebeests cross the mara river from the plains of the Serengeti and entering into Masai mara, river crossing is the most intense time for the wildebeest survival in the wild. Reason being that mara river is infested with the biggest number of crocodiles that are seen waiting patiently for animals as they jump in to the water. On the other side, the predators are too waiting on the river banks to catch the prey. this is the most active time for the predators where you will also have an opportunity to see them in bigger numbers. The other challenging factors when crossing the Mara River is the water levels, some times the water levels rise beyond the normal thus causing challenges for the weaker animals when crossing the river and any of wildebeests die in the process.
The wildebeest Migration happens in both Serengeti and Masai mara in Kenya
The wildebeest Migration starts from the southern Serengeti heading to Masai mara Conservation reserve. Therefore, you can ever book a safari in Serengeti National Park, or Masai mara in Kenya to watch this interesting activity and once in life time experience. The wildebeest Migration is vice versa. from Serengeti to Masai mara via Ngorongoro crater and back to Serengeti.

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