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Travel Tips for Visiting Kenya in the Winter

Travel Tips for Visiting Kenya in the Winter

Packing list based on weather: Kenya’s winter months can be cooler than you might expect, especially in the evenings and early mornings. Make sure to pack both warm and light clothes that you can use during day and later evenings and mornings may tend to be cold as well as sunscreen and a hat for sunny days.
Malaria risk: Even in the winter months, Kenya is a malaria-endemic country, so it’s important to take preventive measures such as taking anti-malaria medication and using insect repellent. Consult with a healthcare professional before your trip.
Road conditions: Kenya’s roads can be rough and bumpy, especially during the rainy season. While winter is dry, the roads may not be in great condition. Be prepared for long drives and consider booking flights to certain destinations.
You won’t soon forget your amazing experience traveling to Kenya in the winter. Kenya is a gem in Africa that you don’t want to miss, with its pleasant climate, gorgeous scenery, and varied animals.
There is something in this lovely country for everyone, whether you enjoy the outdoors, seeking out new experiences, or enjoying culture. Kenya will win you over with its welcoming residents, delectable cuisine, and rich history and culture, leaving you wanting more.
All set to go? Our travel specialists can create a bespoke itinerary if you need assistance organizing a trip to Kenya in the winter.

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